2024 CA Qhia txog cov cai tshiab
Tsab Cai Prop 2: Pom zoo muab cov nyiaj pab cuam los mus pab tej tsev kawm ntawv thiab tsev kawm ntawv qib siab Community College
Qhov nyiaj pab cuam $10 billion duas las no yog yuav siv los mus pab txhim kho cov tsev kawm ntawv hauv xeev California uas tej phaj kab thiab qaum tsev kawm ntawv lwj tag lawm, los yog tuaj pwm, xau nag, thiab muaj lwm yam kev phom sij rau vim tias yav tag los cov tsev kawm ntawv no tsis muaj nyiaj txaus los mus kho tej teeb meem no.Tsab cai Proposition 2 no yuav txhim kho kom tsoom fwv hauv xeev pab nyiaj ntau zog rau cov tsev kawm ntawv uas nyob rau tej thaj tsam uas muaj cov tub ntxhais kawm ntawv txom nyem. Tsis tag li no xwb nws yuav pab rau cov tsev kawm ntawv uas muaj cov me nyuam kawm lus Askiv lossis English language learners, nrog rau cov me nyuam uas los ntawm ib tse neeg uas tau nyiaj tsawg, los yog cov me nyuam uas tsis muaj niam txiv los sis tsis muaj vaj tse khov kho nyob.Cov tsev kawm ntawv qib Kindergarten mus txog qib 12 yuav txais tau $8.5 billion duas las hos $1.5 billion duas las ntawm cov nyiaj ntawd yog yuav siv los mus pab cov tsev kawm ntawv qib siab community colleges.
Tsab Cai Prop 3: Kev Sib Yuav Raws Kev Cai Lij Choj
Tsab cai no yuav tshem tawm tej lus uas sawv daws tsis siv lawm uas muaj nyob rau hauv Tsab Cai Proposition 8 uas tau dhau thaum xyoo 2008 ntawd. Cov lus uas yuav muab tshem tawm hais tias, kev siv yuav tsuas yog muaj rau ib khub poj niam thiab txiv neej nkaus xwb.
Tsab Cai Prop 4: Pom zoo muab nyiaj pab cuam los txhim kho kom tej dej zoo haus, pab cuam txog kev tiv thaiv kom txhob muaj hluav taws kub tej toj roob hauv pes, thiab pab kom cov huab cua rau lub zej zog thiaj tej liaj teb xwm yeem
Qhov nyiaj pab cuam $10 billion duas las no yuav pab them tej dej num hais txog dej (xws li kom sawv daws tau dej huv los haus, txuag tau dej, thiab tswj kom tsis txhob muaj dej nyab), pab tiv thaiv kom txhob muaj hluav taws kawj tej toj roob hauv pes, pab tiv thaiv kom dej hiav txwv txhob nyab zej zog, tsim kom muaj cov tiaj ua si ntau, tiv thaiv tej xyoob ntoo thiab tsiaj qus, thiab tham txog tej teeb meem ntawm huab cua.
Tsab Cai Prop 5: Yuav pab txo kom txoj kev pom zoo hloov mus rau 55 feem pua es tib neeg thiaj li yuav txais tau cov nyiaj se los mus txhim kho vaj tse thiab yuav vaj tse pheej yig nyob.
Qhov no yuav hloov ntawm 66.67 feem pua mus rau 55 feem pua. Tsab cai yog yuav los pab tau tib neeg txais nyiaj se los mus txhim kho vaj tse thiab yuav vaj tse pheej yig nyob.Tsab Cai Prop 5 tseem ceeb heev rau hauv peb lub xeev tam sim no. Nws yuav muab lub zog rau pej xeem txhua tus los mus nrhiav nyiaj txiag yuav tsev thiab kho vaj kho tsev xws li txhim kho kom cov hauv kev kom dej khiav zoo, kho tej kev tsheb mus los, thiab tsim kom muaj tsev kho mob loj thiab zoo–ob yam no yog ob yam uas peb lub xeev tau poob qab deb heev los lawm ntev. Prop 5 yuav ua rau kev tsim vaj tse pheej yig nyob yooj yim dua, thiab yuav pab tau peb txhim kho peb lub zej zog kom zoo tshaj tuaj.
Tsab Cai Prop 6: Tshem tawm tsab cai uas yuam cov neeg raug txim ua hauj lwm pub dawb los theej lawv lub txim
Tsab cai no yuav tshem tawm kom cov neeg raug txim txhob tau raug yuam mus ua hauj lwm pub dawb thaum lawv nyob rau hauv tsev laj cuj. Tsab Cai Prop 6 no yuav pab daws qhov teeb meem uas tau muaj los ib txheej dhau ib txheej uas hais txog kev tsim txom vim cev nqaij daim tawv los sis racial oppression. Tsab Cai no yuav los mus pab txhim kho thiab cob qhia kom cov neeg raug txim paub thim xav thiab txawj coj vim lawv yuav tsis raug yuam ua hauj lwm pub dawb lawm.
Tsab Cai Prop 32: Nce nyiaj ua hauj lwm
Tsab cai no yuav pab nce sawv daws cov nyiaj ua hauj lwm ntawm $15 tuaj ib teev, mus rau $18 tuaj ib teev hauv xeev California.
Tsab Cai Prop 33: Tso Cai Rau Tsoom Fwv Hauv Zos Los Mus Tswj Cov Nqi Yuav Tsev Thiab Xaub Tsev
Tsab cai no yuav tshem tawm tsab cai 1995 Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act uas tau txwv tsis pub tsoom fwv hauv zos los tswj cov nqi xaub tsev rau tej vaj tse thiab cov tsev tshiab uas muab xaub tawm rau tib neeg nyob. Tsab cai qub no ua rau cov neeg xaub tsev nyuaj siab txog lawv lub nqi tsev, tsis paub tias cov tswv tsev yuav nce thiab hloov nqi tsev npaum li cas thiab thaum twg.
Tsab Cai Prop 34: Txwv Tsis Pub Qee Cov Lag Luam Kuaj Mob Los Mus Muab Nyiaj Txiag Los Mus Yuav Cov Cai Uas Tswj Cov Nqi Xaub Tsev
Tsab cai no yog los ntawm lub CA Apartment Association uas yog yuav los txwv kom AIDS Healthcare Foundation txhob muab nyiaj los mus kauj cov cai uas tswj nqi xaub vaj tse.
Tsab Cai Prop 35: Muab Nyiaj Pab Cuam Kuaj Mob rau Cov Neeg uas Siv Medi-Cal
Tsab cai no tau kev txhawb nqa los ntawm xeev California cov lag luam kuaj mob los mus nrhiav nyiaj pab cuam rau cov neeg uas txais Medi-Cal. Tsab cai Prop 35 no yuav tswj kom txhua tus neeg uas txais Medi-Cal tau kev kuaj mob pheej yig thiab tsim nyog. Nws yuav pab nyiaj mus rau cov tsev kho mob loj thoob lub xeev, feem ntau rau cov tsev kho mob uas yuav raug kaw. Tab sis tsab cai no tej zaum kuj yuav ua teeb meem rau cov tsev kho mob me thiab cov kws kuaj mob uas cov neeg txais Medi-Cal txais kev pab thiab.
Tsab Cai Prop 36: Nce Thiab Rub Txim Ntxiv Rau Qee Tus Neeg uas Siv Yeeb Tshuaj los yog ua Tus Sab Tub Nyiag
Tsab cai no yuav hloov qee tsab cai uas pub kev pab cuam rau cov neeg uas raug txim. Tsab cai no yuav ua rau tib neeg haj yam tiv yeeb tiv tshuaj, raug txim thiab nyob txim hauv tsev laj cuj ntev, thiab yuav tsis muab nyiaj pab cuam los mus pab rau cov tsev kawm ntawv, rau fab kev kaj siab, thiab cov kev txhawb nqa kom txhob muaj cov neeg tsis muaj vaj tse nyob coob.Tsab cai no yuav los rub txim kom hnyav rau cov neeg uas siv yeeb siv tshuaj txhaum cai. Dua li yuav rub txim hnyav rau cov neeg no, peb yuav tsum tau xam pom txog cov neeg no txoj kev nyuaj siab thiab kev txom nyem uas muaj feem rau lawv txoj kev tsim teeb meem thiab kev tiv yeeb tiv tshuaj. Peb lub zej zog ntsib kev phom sij, tsab cai Prop 36 no yuav pab tsis tau peb lub zej zog mus rau kev nyab xeeb. Tsab cai Prop 36 no siv nyiaj tag tsheej lab thiab kuj ua rau lub zej zog haj yam ntsib kev phom sij.
Paid for by Force for Change Ballot Measure sponsored by Center for Empowered Politics
2024 Local Ballot Propositions
YES on Prop 2
Authorizes Bonds for Public School and Community College Facilities
This $10 billion bond would pay for repairs and upgrades at CA public school buildings, some of which have languished with rot, mold, leaks, and other hazards due to lack of funds. K-12 schools would receive $8.5 billion and $1.5 billion would go to community colleges.
YES on Prop 3
Constitutional Right to Marriage
This constitutional amendment would enshrine the right to same-sex marriage into the California constitution, repealing Proposition 8 — a measure that defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
YES on Prop 4
Authorizes Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting Communities and Natural Lands from Climate Risks
This $10 billion bond would pay for water projects (to provide safe drinking water, recycle wastewater, store groundwater, control floods), wildfire protection, protection from sea level rise, create parks, protect wildlife and habitats, and address extreme heat events.
YES on Prop 5
Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval
This would make it easier for local governments to fund affordable housing, infrastructure projects. Most local governments in CA need two-thirds of voter approval to borrow money for projects. This prop would lower the required threshold to 55% for any borrowing to fund affordable housing construction and infrastructure projects.
YES on Prop 6
Eliminates Constitutional Provision Allowing Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons
This constitutional amendment would end involuntary servitude in state prisons, one of the last remnants of slavery.
YES on Prop 32
Raises Minimum Wage
This would increase the state minimum wage to $18/hr from $15/hr for all employees in California.
YES on Prop 33
Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property
This would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (1995) which prevents cities and counties from limiting rents in many properties in California.
NO on Prop 34
Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers
This is a California Apartment Association-backed attack on AIDS Healthcare Foundation, meant to prevent the organization from funding rent control measures in the future.
YES on Prop 35
Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services
This initiative is sponsored by California’s health care industry to raise more money for Medi-Cal and block lawmakers from using the cash to avoid cuts to other programs.
NO on Prop 36
Allows Felony Charges and Increases Sentences for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes
This initiative would undo Prop 47, which voters decided in 2014 to reclassify nonviolent felonies to misdemeanors and redirect funds toward schools, treatment programs, and victim services. This measure would further criminalize addiction and poverty, increase mass incarceration, and reduce funding for education, mental health, and homelessness prevention.
YES on Prop 2
Authorizes Bonds for Public School and Community College Facilities
This $10 billion bond would pay for repairs and upgrades at CA public school buildings, some of which have languished with rot, mold, leaks, and other hazards due to lack of funds. K-12 schools would receive $8.5 billion and $1.5 billion would go to community colleges.
YES on Prop 3
Constitutional Right to Marriage
This constitutional amendment would enshrine the right to same-sex marriage into the California constitution, repealing Proposition 8 — a measure that defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
YES on Prop 4
Authorizes Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting Communities and Natural Lands from Climate Risks
This $10 billion bond would pay for water projects (to provide safe drinking water, recycle wastewater, store groundwater, control floods), wildfire protection, protection from sea level rise, create parks, protect wildlife and habitats, and address extreme heat events.
YES on Prop 5
Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval
This would make it easier for local governments to fund affordable housing, infrastructure projects. Most local governments in CA need two-thirds of voter approval to borrow money for projects. This prop would lower the required threshold to 55% for any borrowing to fund affordable housing construction and infrastructure projects.
YES on Prop 6
Eliminates Constitutional Provision Allowing Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons
This constitutional amendment would end involuntary servitude in state prisons, one of the last remnants of slavery.
YES on Prop 32
Raises Minimum Wage
This would increase the state minimum wage to $18/hr from $15/hr for all employees in California.
YES on Prop 33
Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property
This would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (1995) which prevents cities and counties from limiting rents in many properties in California.
NO on Prop 34
Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers
This is a California Apartment Association-backed attack on AIDS Healthcare Foundation, meant to prevent the organization from funding rent control measures in the future.
YES on Prop 35
Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services
This initiative is sponsored by California’s health care industry to raise more money for Medi-Cal and block lawmakers from using the cash to avoid cuts to other programs.
NO on Prop 36
Allows Felony Charges and Increases Sentences for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes
This initiative would undo Prop 47, which voters decided in 2014 to reclassify nonviolent felonies to misdemeanors and redirect funds toward schools, treatment programs, and victim services. This measure would further criminalize addiction and poverty, increase mass incarceration, and reduce funding for education, mental health, and homelessness prevention.