2024 CA Laayla-iat dé’ kho sne pa’ thaathi
Kho sne 2: Anumat Kmuul thwn samlap Rôôq Rian Hluaq pa’ Sathaanthi Vithañalay
Tôklôq (YES) yo
Kmuul camnuan $10 phan laan gi ji caay samlap burana’ sompèèq pa’ ‘yeet ladap yat da twk rôôq rian hluaq, ‘moon ge sutsôôm, de’ ah sq rmbuuy, sq amlaam, ôm rua, pa’ ah nèèv antalaay sqbaq, yor al ah kmuul thwn. Kho sne 2 samaat dumbo’ kmuul thwn de’ Lat yo ge you guut da khéét kaan swksa ‘moon ge ah lakha sapsin hnté’ pa’ ah camnuan nakrian maak yo ge hnoonq rian hrlo’ aqkit, ah laayday hnté’ lw meh koon kép. Rôôqrian anubaan root hooq 12 aat ca’ bwan rap $8.5 phan laan pa’ $1.5 phan laan aat ci yoh guut da vithañaalay dé’ sumsôn.
Kho sne 3: Sit thi’ tèèq sryia’ (kaan tèèq qaan) yat da kôt hmaay lathathammanuun
Tôklôq (YES) yo
Kaan Kèèkhay kôt hmaay latthammanuun gi ji ah kaan p’lian grloh phriim ( la smay) caak kho sne 8, yo ge thwk lwak phaan yat da pi 2008, sq ah laksana’ lav sah kaan tèèq qaan meh lavaaq koon jwmro’ pa’ koon jwmkwn’.
Kho sne 4: Anumat an ah Kmuul thwn samlap ôm wak s’aat, kaan pooqkan brlwa lwr bri’, pooqkan sumsôn pa’ pté’ thammasaat caak kaan siaq khooq sa’phhap pté’ lvaaq.
Tôklôq (YES) yo
Kmuul camnuan $10 phan laan gi ji caay samlap khôôq kaan ôm ( tèèq an ah ôm wak s’aat, ver srloh ôm sia, kép ôm kndruum pté’, khuapkhum ôm thuam (ôm pèk), pooqkan kaan pheem ladap ôm thalé, saaq suan satharana’, pooqkan sat tô ‘yu’ pa’ ‘moon yat, pa’ rap mw héét kaan vaar nan.
Kho sne 5: Anuñaat an ah kmuul thwn samlap gaaq yat pa’ khôôq saaq satharana’ bwan 55% caak kaan juur khanèèn tôklôq khooq gôn lwaktaq.
Tôklôq (YES) yo
Gi ji bwan dé pjuur qwankhay kiavkap kaan tôklôq lian siang yat amnaat saan thooq thin caak gbaar suan saam (66.67%) juur meh 55% samlap banha kmuul thwn lw kaan kamnôt kiavkap phasi phiséét samlap gaaq yat pa’ khôôqkaan khôôqhaaq phwwnthaan satharana’.Kho sne 5 meh kaan patiruup yo ge samkhan lav root ‘manha hnam kiav kap gaaq yat kluaq Lat i’. Ge ji an amnaat pheem yo gôn juur kha’nèèn lwaktaq, an no sook kmuul dmbo’ samlap gaaq yat pa’khôôqhaaq phwwnthaan yar labôp ôm, qoor, pa’ rôôq hmo - Gbaar phaaksuan hnam sq Lat i’ hnooq laasa pa’ tèèq an sumsôn i’ lôm léo. Kho sne 5 ji tèèq an qaay kwan samlap kaan saaq gaaq yat sq i’ tooqkaan pa’ tèèq an kaan pappuq yat da kuq gaaq i’.
Kho sne 6: Ñôkleek ‘môt ‘manñat ratthathammanuun yo ge anuñaat an gôn thôôt yat kluaq khuk tèèq viak meh khathaat ‘mèèp al ah kaan smak hrñwam.
Tôklôq (YES) yo
Kaan kèèkhay ratthathammanuun gi ji tèèq an lôôc kaan lôqthôôt ‘mèèp ah kho phuuk mat tèèq viak meh khathaat yat da kluaq khuk. Kho sne 6 ji damneenkaan mèèp ah phalaq rèèq totaan moradôk kaan raap khôm héq swa saat yo ge thwwk bnswm jru’yat da la’môp kôt hmaay ñuttitham dé’ i’. Kho gi sôq seem kaan ‘nat saaq gôn yo ge thwwk khraq pa’ tèèq an California ah hrlo’ kaav hna yoh joro saqkhôm yo ge ah hrlo’ nuttitham pa’ hrlo’ smeephaap maak kwan.
Kho sne 32: P’-kwan pheem trñaaq (ga rèèq qaan)
Tôklôq (YES) yo
Gi ji pheem p’-kwan ga rèèq qaan khan sdé’caak $15 to suamôôq meh $18 to suamôôq samlap gôn palôôc yat California.
Kho sne 33: Khñaay amnaat Lattha’maan thooqthin yo kaan lian kôt hmaay khuapkhum ga jav gaaq yat.
Tôklôq (YES) yo
Gi ji ñôkleek kho kôt hmaay Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (1995) yo ge pooqkan al an Lattha”maan thooqthin ah sit lian kôt hmaay khuapkhum kaan jav gaaq pén hlaq pa’ gaaq yo ge saaq kwan hnmé’. Kôt hmaay lasmay gi tèèq an gôn jav gaaq maak gôn hruk yat da sq trnèèm yoor kaan p’-kwan ga jav ‘mèèp ka’ al bwan caak cavkhooq gaaq pa’ bolisat yo ge hén kè tua.
Kho sne 34: Camkat kaan caay kmuul sq bwan caak kaan lut ga ‘ya taamsaq dé’ thaanhmo môôy camnuan.
Tôklôq (NO) Nu
Gi meh kaan côômti Munithi’ AIDS HealthCare Foundation, sq ah kaan snap snuun caak Samaakhôm CA Apartment, no ah cutpasôq khat khuaq al an ah kaan anumat kmuul thwn samlap maatakaan khuap khum raakha jav gaaq to yoh kaal mat.
Kho sne 35: Anumat Kmuul Thwn thaavoon samlap kaan borikaan sukhaphaap yo Medi-Cal.
Tôklôq (YES) yo
Tônto maatra gi meh kaan snap snuun caak utsahakam kaan yééq sukhaphaap California cu’ sook kmuul samlap Medi-Cal. Theq ‘yaaq gme’ ko taam, maattakaan gi aat ah kaan kathôp yo kmuul thwn dé’ suun kaaq sukhaphaap sumsôn pa’ gôn borikaan yo ge ah kaan swa thw, yoor ah camnuan maak samlap gôn ge aasay kaan pin pua yo Medi-Cal.
Kho sne 36: Anuñaat an ah kaan taq kho ha pa’ dwmbo’ kaan lôq thôôt samlap hrlo’ klih lwaq ‘ya sééptit pa’ kaan leec.
Tôklôq (NO) Nu
Tônto maatra gi ji ñôk leek nañôô’maay pacuban sq léq séh kaan raksa pinpua pa’ kaan pooqkan kaan eh klih. Maatra gi tèèq an kaan tit ‘ya maak kwan pa’ hrlo’ thuk ñaak, pheem dwmbo’ camnuan kaan kak kraq, pa’ plut kmuul thwn samlap kaan swksa, sukhaphaap cit, pa’ kaan pooqkan lwaq khaat gaaq yat.Maatra gi, tônto ge meh kaan léq séh kaan lôq thôôt pap hmay nèèv hnmé’, nèèv raay rèèq samlap kaan meh cav khooq ‘ya séép tit. (ah ‘ya séép tit yat da loh). I’ tooqkaan an léq séh da kaan kèèkhay ‘manha lwaq sukhaphaap pa’ séétthakit yo ge tèèq an gôn eh sq klih kôthmaay lw ver yoh tit ‘ya séép tit ji le’ kveey sq ji moot gôn maak gôn yoh khraq da guk. Sumsôn i’ ah hrlo’ huuswk al pootphay yat da kluaq saphaap pacu’man gi, pa’ Kho sne 36 meh ‘maat kaav gaay luaq klhni’ (thooy hlaq) yo ge ywam maak thisut, antalaay thisut, pa’ al ah pañôôt hmeh yo hrlo’ pootphay dé’ saathaarana’.
Paid for by Force for Change Ballot Measure sponsored by Center for Empowered Politics
2024 Local Ballot Propositions
YES on Prop 2
Authorizes Bonds for Public School and Community College Facilities
This $10 billion bond would pay for repairs and upgrades at CA public school buildings, some of which have languished with rot, mold, leaks, and other hazards due to lack of funds. K-12 schools would receive $8.5 billion and $1.5 billion would go to community colleges.
YES on Prop 3
Constitutional Right to Marriage
This constitutional amendment would enshrine the right to same-sex marriage into the California constitution, repealing Proposition 8 — a measure that defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
YES on Prop 4
Authorizes Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting Communities and Natural Lands from Climate Risks
This $10 billion bond would pay for water projects (to provide safe drinking water, recycle wastewater, store groundwater, control floods), wildfire protection, protection from sea level rise, create parks, protect wildlife and habitats, and address extreme heat events.
YES on Prop 5
Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval
This would make it easier for local governments to fund affordable housing, infrastructure projects. Most local governments in CA need two-thirds of voter approval to borrow money for projects. This prop would lower the required threshold to 55% for any borrowing to fund affordable housing construction and infrastructure projects.
YES on Prop 6
Eliminates Constitutional Provision Allowing Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons
This constitutional amendment would end involuntary servitude in state prisons, one of the last remnants of slavery.
YES on Prop 32
Raises Minimum Wage
This would increase the state minimum wage to $18/hr from $15/hr for all employees in California.
YES on Prop 33
Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property
This would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (1995) which prevents cities and counties from limiting rents in many properties in California.
NO on Prop 34
Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers
This is a California Apartment Association-backed attack on AIDS Healthcare Foundation, meant to prevent the organization from funding rent control measures in the future.
YES on Prop 35
Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services
This initiative is sponsored by California’s health care industry to raise more money for Medi-Cal and block lawmakers from using the cash to avoid cuts to other programs.
NO on Prop 36
Allows Felony Charges and Increases Sentences for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes
This initiative would undo Prop 47, which voters decided in 2014 to reclassify nonviolent felonies to misdemeanors and redirect funds toward schools, treatment programs, and victim services. This measure would further criminalize addiction and poverty, increase mass incarceration, and reduce funding for education, mental health, and homelessness prevention.
YES on Prop 2
Authorizes Bonds for Public School and Community College Facilities
This $10 billion bond would pay for repairs and upgrades at CA public school buildings, some of which have languished with rot, mold, leaks, and other hazards due to lack of funds. K-12 schools would receive $8.5 billion and $1.5 billion would go to community colleges.
YES on Prop 3
Constitutional Right to Marriage
This constitutional amendment would enshrine the right to same-sex marriage into the California constitution, repealing Proposition 8 — a measure that defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
YES on Prop 4
Authorizes Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting Communities and Natural Lands from Climate Risks
This $10 billion bond would pay for water projects (to provide safe drinking water, recycle wastewater, store groundwater, control floods), wildfire protection, protection from sea level rise, create parks, protect wildlife and habitats, and address extreme heat events.
YES on Prop 5
Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval
This would make it easier for local governments to fund affordable housing, infrastructure projects. Most local governments in CA need two-thirds of voter approval to borrow money for projects. This prop would lower the required threshold to 55% for any borrowing to fund affordable housing construction and infrastructure projects.
YES on Prop 6
Eliminates Constitutional Provision Allowing Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons
This constitutional amendment would end involuntary servitude in state prisons, one of the last remnants of slavery.
YES on Prop 32
Raises Minimum Wage
This would increase the state minimum wage to $18/hr from $15/hr for all employees in California.
YES on Prop 33
Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property
This would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (1995) which prevents cities and counties from limiting rents in many properties in California.
NO on Prop 34
Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers
This is a California Apartment Association-backed attack on AIDS Healthcare Foundation, meant to prevent the organization from funding rent control measures in the future.
YES on Prop 35
Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services
This initiative is sponsored by California’s health care industry to raise more money for Medi-Cal and block lawmakers from using the cash to avoid cuts to other programs.
NO on Prop 36
Allows Felony Charges and Increases Sentences for Certain Drug and Theft Crimes
This initiative would undo Prop 47, which voters decided in 2014 to reclassify nonviolent felonies to misdemeanors and redirect funds toward schools, treatment programs, and victim services. This measure would further criminalize addiction and poverty, increase mass incarceration, and reduce funding for education, mental health, and homelessness prevention.